Monday, 15 February 2010

Feminist Indoctrination Now in Schools

Teenage domestic violence tackled by advert campaign

This is the long discredited Duluth model repackaged for teenagers.

The BBC does not bother to report the number of boys who are victims.

The campaign will not be telling girls that it is wrong to hit their boyfriends.

Of course they would not be doing that because it does not fit the FALSE feminist narrative they want to promote: "Men are abusers, Women are victims".

PS. Comments are open at the BBC.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Sexist Language: Does Satan think She's Male ?

Sex, Lies & Feminism by Peter Zohrab

Chapter 12: Sexist Language: Does Satan think She's Male ?

Some stations avoided words (such as "actress"), that Feminists object to -- but they continued to use sexist words like "gunman", instead of gender-neutral alternatives, such as "gunperson", "gunner", or "shooter". If a word was derogatory only to mere men, then they were perfectly happy to use it. A large part of the appeal of most actors and actresses is in fact their sex appeal. In fact, I find it offensive to hear attractive actresses referred to as "actors", which is a term properly referring to males.

The word "gunman" denigrates all males, because it implies that only men go around killing people with guns. This is parallel to the word "chairman", which Feminists say discriminates against (all) women, because it implies that only men chair meetings.

Closing gender pay gap 'won't solve inequality'

Closing the gender pay gap would do almost nothing to end division in British society, the Government's equality tsar declared yesterday.

Harriet Harman's drive to achieve equal pay for women has little relevance to the wider issue of tackling inequality, Professor John Hills said as he launched a landmark report into inequality.

He said family background and class play a far larger role in shaping future earnings than gender, in a major blow to the Equality Minister and one of her key policies.

Here we go again.

The latest feminist attack on the English language.

In this case by none other than our own minister for Sexism and Inequality - Harriet Harperson.

Given Harriet Harman's crusade for political correctness, it is surprising that it has lasted so long.

But the word 'chairman' is finally under threat of being unseated.

Miss Harman, the leader of the Commons, wants to ban the term and force MPs to refer to the gender-neutral 'chair' or ' occupant of the chair'.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Training quote from Jilly Cooper

"The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness...can be trained to do most things."
Jilly Cooper, SCUM (Society For Cutting Up Men.)

Prison quote from Germaine Greer

"Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release."
Germaine Greer

What is Feminism?

Feminists will not provide a consistent or even coherent definition of feminism. (link)

So the only way anyone who is not a member of the inner circle can know what feminism is about is by inference. We are left with working out what feminism is by looking at what feminists do and what they say (at least when they let their guard down).

Anti-feminists and MRAs have tried to work out what feminism is. This is my summary:

Feminism is Misandry, the hatred and demonisation of men.
Feminism is Sexism.
Feminism is Female Supremicism.
Feminism is Gendercide.

The Decline of Males: The First Look at an Unexpected New World for Men and Women

The Decline of Males: The First Look at an Unexpected New World for Men and Women (Paperback)
~ Dr. Lionel Tiger (Author) Review
Biological anthropologist Lionel Tiger, best known for
developing the concept of male bonding in Men
in Groups
, offers what he calls "a chronicle of the decline of men and the
ascendancy of women." If there were a male counterpart to
feminism--masculinism?--this is where it would be found. Profound social changes
over the last several decades are rooted in reproductive technology, which "has
given enormous general power to women that has been translated beyond the family
sphere," says Tiger. This is not an unequivocally positive development, he
believes, and it has led to a slew of problems that include general family
breakdown. The book is occasionally alarmist, yet there is also a freshness to
its argument.
The Decline of Males is a nonsexist brief on behalf of men,
and it includes a number of interesting observations. As women play a larger
role in public life, men are looking for new ways to be male. "Perhaps the
apparent explosion of interest in sports and pornography means that men are
trying to find new outlets to express their inherent maleness, which they may
feel otherwise obligated to repress," writes Tiger. Several of his proposals are
politically naive, but intriguing in how they blend conservative and liberal
ideas. Tiger, for example, thinks men should earn higher pay for the children
they have during a first marriage, and that unmarried women with children should
receive welfare without having to work. The Decline of Males will fascinate some
readers and exasperate others, yet all will agree it makes a unique intellectual
contribution to the ongoing sex wars. --John J. Miller --This text refers to an
out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

What Price Utopia?: Essays on Ideological Policing, Feminism, and Academic Affairs

What Price Utopia?: Essays on Ideological Policing, Feminism, and Academic Affairs (Hardcover)
~ Daphne Patai

This volume brings together for the first time more than two dozen of Daphne
Patais serious and sometimes satirical essays dealing with the academic and
intellectual orthodoxies of our time. --This text refers to the Paperback

Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel: Confessions of a Conservative College Professor

Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel: Confessions of a Conservative College Professor (Hardcover)
~ Mike S. Adams (Author)

From Publishers Weekly
This lively collection of essays surveys the campus
culture wars from the conservative side of the trenches. Adams, a criminal
justice professor at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington, takes a big
swipe at the politically correct, feminists, gay activists, the diversity
establishment and what he portrays as the mealy-mouthed administrators and
thin-skinned colleagues and students who are quick to fire off thoughtless
allegations of racism and sexism. He takes on Cornel West, for his defense of
the 1992 Los Angeles riots, and The Vagina Monologues, for a general
over-ripeness, but mostly sticks to his own experiences asserting First
Amendment rights against what he feels is the heavy-handed and censorious
climate of left-wing orthodoxy at his own school. Adams clearly relishes the
role of conservative gadfly. He casts himself as the eternal target of tirades
in the cafeteria or the men’s room, and enjoys offering up provocative Modest
Proposals, like university affirmative action programs for underrepresented
Republicans, or a Men’s Resource Center where victims of false rape accusations
can retreat for counseling. The book’s last 50 pages are devoted to an
acrimonious exchange of e-mails with a radical student over the September 11
attacks, which escalated into an accusation of libel and an investigation of
Adams’s e-mail by UNCW, and finally ignited a national press rumpus that landed
him a guest spot on Hannity and Colmes. Some of the contretemps he writes about,
like a professor’s wild charges of sexual harassment and "terrorism" against
some colleagues, or a catfight between two female professors over a male job
applicant, seem like little more than departmental politics run amok. But Adams
has a dry wit and a sharp, if partisan, eye for the excesses and fatuities of
the left, one that raises important issues about attitudes toward free speech
and tolerance on campus. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of
Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Product Description
Remember the
ivory tower of Babel in the Old Testament? College campuses are more biblical
than liberals think.
As Mike S. Adams explains in his new book Welcome to
the Ivory Tower of Babel: Confessions of a Conservative College Professor, most
college campuses are in a state of turmoil, not unlike that of the story in
Adams was an atheist and a Democrat when he started teaching
criminal justice at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington in 1993.
However, when he renounced those stands and became a Christian and a Republican
in the late 1990s, he also began taking a stand against the lack of diversity
and equal treatment of all men and women at his university.
Adams first uses
a batch of letters he penned to university leaders and students to illustrate
the irony of diversity and affirmative action at UNC. He then offers
column-formatted prose to explain and challenge the move toward a politically
correct and non-Christian campus environment. Hardcore feminism and "Queer
Studies" are examples he cites that are flourishing on campus, while schools
risk losing funding unless they downplay connections to Christ, Christianity and
The final part of Adams' book is dedicated to explaining the
controversy that brought him and the university into the news in 2001 and 2002 ?
his challenge that free speech has its consequences and that all Americans -
conservative and liberal alike -have the right to express their opinions.
While Adams touches on many hot topics, including abortion, racism, and
Christianity, the book's primary thesis is one of encouragement. "Conservative
students can succeed on college campuses," he argues, "just as can their liberal
counterparts." He urges college administrators to treat all students with
fairness and dignity, regardless of political or religious views.

Erin Pizzey on YouTube

The Woman Racket

The Woman Racket (Paperback)
by Steve Moxon (Author)

Steve Moxon s first book, The Great Immigration Scandal, led to the resignation
of the immigration minister, Beverley Hughes. But immigration was never his
primary interest: he joined the Home Office in order to study its HR policy, as
part of a decade-long investigation of men-women relations. Not withstanding its
provocative title, The Woman Racket is a serious scientific investigation into
one of the key myths of our age that women are oppressed by the patriarchal
traditions of Western societies. Drawing on the latest developments in
evolutionary psychology, Moxon finds that the opposite is true men, or at least
the majority of ordinary males have always been the victims of deep-rooted
prejudice. As the prejudice is biologically derived, it is unconscious and can
only be uncovered with the tools of scientific psychology.The book reveals this
prejudice in fields as diverse as healthcare, employment, family policy and

The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men

The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men (Paperback)
by Sommers (Author)

Argues that boys have become the primary victims of American society,
showing how boys' weaknesses are aggravated by anti-boy prejudices and offering
constructive suggestions on how to help young males.