Monday, 15 February 2010

Feminist Indoctrination Now in Schools

Teenage domestic violence tackled by advert campaign

This is the long discredited Duluth model repackaged for teenagers.

The BBC does not bother to report the number of boys who are victims.

The campaign will not be telling girls that it is wrong to hit their boyfriends.

Of course they would not be doing that because it does not fit the FALSE feminist narrative they want to promote: "Men are abusers, Women are victims".

PS. Comments are open at the BBC.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Sexist Language: Does Satan think She's Male ?

Sex, Lies & Feminism by Peter Zohrab

Chapter 12: Sexist Language: Does Satan think She's Male ?

Some stations avoided words (such as "actress"), that Feminists object to -- but they continued to use sexist words like "gunman", instead of gender-neutral alternatives, such as "gunperson", "gunner", or "shooter". If a word was derogatory only to mere men, then they were perfectly happy to use it. A large part of the appeal of most actors and actresses is in fact their sex appeal. In fact, I find it offensive to hear attractive actresses referred to as "actors", which is a term properly referring to males.

The word "gunman" denigrates all males, because it implies that only men go around killing people with guns. This is parallel to the word "chairman", which Feminists say discriminates against (all) women, because it implies that only men chair meetings.

Closing gender pay gap 'won't solve inequality'

Closing the gender pay gap would do almost nothing to end division in British society, the Government's equality tsar declared yesterday.

Harriet Harman's drive to achieve equal pay for women has little relevance to the wider issue of tackling inequality, Professor John Hills said as he launched a landmark report into inequality.

He said family background and class play a far larger role in shaping future earnings than gender, in a major blow to the Equality Minister and one of her key policies.

Here we go again.

The latest feminist attack on the English language.

In this case by none other than our own minister for Sexism and Inequality - Harriet Harperson.

Given Harriet Harman's crusade for political correctness, it is surprising that it has lasted so long.

But the word 'chairman' is finally under threat of being unseated.

Miss Harman, the leader of the Commons, wants to ban the term and force MPs to refer to the gender-neutral 'chair' or ' occupant of the chair'.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Training quote from Jilly Cooper

"The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness...can be trained to do most things."
Jilly Cooper, SCUM (Society For Cutting Up Men.)

Prison quote from Germaine Greer

"Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release."
Germaine Greer

What is Feminism?

Feminists will not provide a consistent or even coherent definition of feminism. (link)

So the only way anyone who is not a member of the inner circle can know what feminism is about is by inference. We are left with working out what feminism is by looking at what feminists do and what they say (at least when they let their guard down).

Anti-feminists and MRAs have tried to work out what feminism is. This is my summary:

Feminism is Misandry, the hatred and demonisation of men.
Feminism is Sexism.
Feminism is Female Supremicism.
Feminism is Gendercide.

The Decline of Males: The First Look at an Unexpected New World for Men and Women

The Decline of Males: The First Look at an Unexpected New World for Men and Women (Paperback)
~ Dr. Lionel Tiger (Author) Review
Biological anthropologist Lionel Tiger, best known for
developing the concept of male bonding in Men
in Groups
, offers what he calls "a chronicle of the decline of men and the
ascendancy of women." If there were a male counterpart to
feminism--masculinism?--this is where it would be found. Profound social changes
over the last several decades are rooted in reproductive technology, which "has
given enormous general power to women that has been translated beyond the family
sphere," says Tiger. This is not an unequivocally positive development, he
believes, and it has led to a slew of problems that include general family
breakdown. The book is occasionally alarmist, yet there is also a freshness to
its argument.
The Decline of Males is a nonsexist brief on behalf of men,
and it includes a number of interesting observations. As women play a larger
role in public life, men are looking for new ways to be male. "Perhaps the
apparent explosion of interest in sports and pornography means that men are
trying to find new outlets to express their inherent maleness, which they may
feel otherwise obligated to repress," writes Tiger. Several of his proposals are
politically naive, but intriguing in how they blend conservative and liberal
ideas. Tiger, for example, thinks men should earn higher pay for the children
they have during a first marriage, and that unmarried women with children should
receive welfare without having to work. The Decline of Males will fascinate some
readers and exasperate others, yet all will agree it makes a unique intellectual
contribution to the ongoing sex wars. --John J. Miller --This text refers to an
out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

What Price Utopia?: Essays on Ideological Policing, Feminism, and Academic Affairs

What Price Utopia?: Essays on Ideological Policing, Feminism, and Academic Affairs (Hardcover)
~ Daphne Patai

This volume brings together for the first time more than two dozen of Daphne
Patais serious and sometimes satirical essays dealing with the academic and
intellectual orthodoxies of our time. --This text refers to the Paperback

Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel: Confessions of a Conservative College Professor

Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel: Confessions of a Conservative College Professor (Hardcover)
~ Mike S. Adams (Author)

From Publishers Weekly
This lively collection of essays surveys the campus
culture wars from the conservative side of the trenches. Adams, a criminal
justice professor at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington, takes a big
swipe at the politically correct, feminists, gay activists, the diversity
establishment and what he portrays as the mealy-mouthed administrators and
thin-skinned colleagues and students who are quick to fire off thoughtless
allegations of racism and sexism. He takes on Cornel West, for his defense of
the 1992 Los Angeles riots, and The Vagina Monologues, for a general
over-ripeness, but mostly sticks to his own experiences asserting First
Amendment rights against what he feels is the heavy-handed and censorious
climate of left-wing orthodoxy at his own school. Adams clearly relishes the
role of conservative gadfly. He casts himself as the eternal target of tirades
in the cafeteria or the men’s room, and enjoys offering up provocative Modest
Proposals, like university affirmative action programs for underrepresented
Republicans, or a Men’s Resource Center where victims of false rape accusations
can retreat for counseling. The book’s last 50 pages are devoted to an
acrimonious exchange of e-mails with a radical student over the September 11
attacks, which escalated into an accusation of libel and an investigation of
Adams’s e-mail by UNCW, and finally ignited a national press rumpus that landed
him a guest spot on Hannity and Colmes. Some of the contretemps he writes about,
like a professor’s wild charges of sexual harassment and "terrorism" against
some colleagues, or a catfight between two female professors over a male job
applicant, seem like little more than departmental politics run amok. But Adams
has a dry wit and a sharp, if partisan, eye for the excesses and fatuities of
the left, one that raises important issues about attitudes toward free speech
and tolerance on campus. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of
Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Product Description
Remember the
ivory tower of Babel in the Old Testament? College campuses are more biblical
than liberals think.
As Mike S. Adams explains in his new book Welcome to
the Ivory Tower of Babel: Confessions of a Conservative College Professor, most
college campuses are in a state of turmoil, not unlike that of the story in
Adams was an atheist and a Democrat when he started teaching
criminal justice at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington in 1993.
However, when he renounced those stands and became a Christian and a Republican
in the late 1990s, he also began taking a stand against the lack of diversity
and equal treatment of all men and women at his university.
Adams first uses
a batch of letters he penned to university leaders and students to illustrate
the irony of diversity and affirmative action at UNC. He then offers
column-formatted prose to explain and challenge the move toward a politically
correct and non-Christian campus environment. Hardcore feminism and "Queer
Studies" are examples he cites that are flourishing on campus, while schools
risk losing funding unless they downplay connections to Christ, Christianity and
The final part of Adams' book is dedicated to explaining the
controversy that brought him and the university into the news in 2001 and 2002 ?
his challenge that free speech has its consequences and that all Americans -
conservative and liberal alike -have the right to express their opinions.
While Adams touches on many hot topics, including abortion, racism, and
Christianity, the book's primary thesis is one of encouragement. "Conservative
students can succeed on college campuses," he argues, "just as can their liberal
counterparts." He urges college administrators to treat all students with
fairness and dignity, regardless of political or religious views.

Erin Pizzey on YouTube

The Woman Racket

The Woman Racket (Paperback)
by Steve Moxon (Author)

Steve Moxon s first book, The Great Immigration Scandal, led to the resignation
of the immigration minister, Beverley Hughes. But immigration was never his
primary interest: he joined the Home Office in order to study its HR policy, as
part of a decade-long investigation of men-women relations. Not withstanding its
provocative title, The Woman Racket is a serious scientific investigation into
one of the key myths of our age that women are oppressed by the patriarchal
traditions of Western societies. Drawing on the latest developments in
evolutionary psychology, Moxon finds that the opposite is true men, or at least
the majority of ordinary males have always been the victims of deep-rooted
prejudice. As the prejudice is biologically derived, it is unconscious and can
only be uncovered with the tools of scientific psychology.The book reveals this
prejudice in fields as diverse as healthcare, employment, family policy and

The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men

The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men (Paperback)
by Sommers (Author)

Argues that boys have become the primary victims of American society,
showing how boys' weaknesses are aggravated by anti-boy prejudices and offering
constructive suggestions on how to help young males.

Friday, 29 January 2010

SCUM Manifesto (Paperback)

SCUM Manifesto (Paperback)
by Valerie Solanas (Author)

"Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society
being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible,
thrill-seeking females, only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money
system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex". On the shooting
of Andy Warhol, Valerie Solanas said: "I consider that a moral act. And I
consider it immoral that I missed. I should have done target practice." This
edition of the "SCUM Manifesto" contains an afterword detailing the life and
death of Solanas.

As fidelbogen has pointed out in the comments, you can find copies of this free on the web.

Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex

Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex (Paperback)
by Warren Farrell (Author)

Presents an important plea against the image of the male-as-oppressor,
arguing that this misconception has hindered not only men, but women too.

The Kinder, Gentler Military: How Political Correctness Affects Our Ability to Win Wars

The Kinder, Gentler Military: How Political Correctness Affects Our Ability to Win Wars (Paperback)
by Stephanie Gutmann (Author)

"The Kinder, Gentler Military" is a devastating critique of how and why the
military - the most tradition-bound, masculine institution in the United States
- spent the 1990s in a tortured attempt to reform its time - proven warrior
culture into a new, politically correct value system, which is decimating morale
in our armed forces.

The Ascent of Woman: A History of the Suffragette Movement

The Ascent of Woman: A History of the Suffragette Movement (Paperback)
by Melanie Phillips (Author)

The story of the fight to gain the vote for women is about much more than a
peripheral if picturesque skirmish around the introduction of universal
suffrage. It is an explosive story of social and sexual revolutionary upheaval,
and one which has not yet ended. The movement for women's suffrage in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries prefigured to a startling extent the
controversies which rage today around the role of women. Far from the stereotype
of a uniform body of women chaining themselves to railings, the early feminist
movement was riven by virulent arguments over women's role in society, the
balance to be struck between self-fulfilment and their duties to family and
children, and their relationship with men. Melanie Phillips' brilliant book
tells the story of the fight for women's suffrage in a way which sets the high
drama of those events in the context of the moral and intellectual ferment that
characterised it.

That Bitch: Protect Yourself Against Women with Malicious Intent

That Bitch: Protect Yourself Against Women with Malicious Intent (Paperback)
by Roy Sheppard (Author), Mary T Cleary (Author)

"Venus discusses an important phenomenon of the modern era - the
unscrupulous woman who uses the protection of the family and criminal law
systems as a way to plunder men..."

Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture

Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture (McGill-Queen's Native and Northern) (Hardcover)
by Paul Nathanson (Author), Katherine Young (Author)

Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young argue that men have routinely been
portrayed as evil, inadequate, or as honorary women in popular culture since the
1990s. These stereotypes are profoundly disturbing, the authors argue, for they
both reflect and create a hatred and thus further fracture an already fractured
society. In "Spreading Misandry," they show that creating a workable society in
the twenty-first century requires us to rethink feminist and other assumptions
about men.

Thursday, 28 January 2010




Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry

Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry: 1 (Paperback)

by Laura María Agustín (Author)

'Sex at the Margins rips apart distinctions between migrants, service work
and sexual labour and reveals the utter complexity of the contemporary sex
industry. This book is set to be a trailblazer in the study of sexuality. --Lisa
Adkins, Professor of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London

'In restoring those living on the fringes of western societies to their full humanity, this
invigorating book undermines our stereotypes and provides a challenging but unforgettable picture' --Jeffrey Weeks, London South Bank University

Save the Males: Why Men Matter Why Women Should Care (Hardcover)

Kathleen Parker (Author)

Although its title makes it sound like a comedy in the vein of Dave Barry’s
Complete Guide to Guys (1995), this book by syndicated newspaper columnist
Parker is fairly serious, even though it’s written with the author’s customary
semi-acidic tongue. Parker wants no part of the conventional
gosh-aren’t-men-doofuses position; instead, she asks why men are so frequently
portrayed (especially, but not only, on television) as clumsy, inept,
slow-witted dolts. She asks other startling and politically incorrect questions,
too, including why some elements of the legal system, especially those involving
parental rights and child care, favor women; why feminism, which began as the
quest for equality between the sexes, now seems to have mutated into a quest for
female superiority; and why men are becoming ever more marginalized in American
society. Parker’s against-the-grain opinions are sure to provoke criticism,
controversy, and condemnation, but she is a lively writer who argues her points
with great enthusiasm and often compelling logic. Expect to see Parker on plenty
of talk shows. --David Pitt

Professing Feminism: Education and Indoctrination in Women's Studies

Professing Feminism: Education and Indoctrination in Women's Studies (Paperback)

by Daphne Patai (Author), Noretta Koertge (Author)

In this new and expanded edition of their controversial 1994 book, the
authors update their analysis of what's gone wrong with Women's Studies
programs. Their three new chapters provide a devastating and detailed
examination of the routine practices found in feminst teaching and

Not Guilty:In Defence Of Modern Man: In Defence of the Modern Man

Not Guilty:In Defence Of Modern Man: In Defence of the Modern Man (Paperback)

by David Thomas (Author)

In this immensely readable and wide ranging book,Bernard Lewis charts the
successive transformations of the Middle East,beginning with the two great
empires,the Roman and the Persian,and covering the growth of Christianity,the
rise and spread of Islam,the waves of invaders from the east,the Mongol hordes
of Jengiz Khan,the rise of the Ottoman Turks,and the changing balance of power
between the Muslim and Christian worlds.THE MIDDLE EAST is a brilliant survey of
the history and civilisations of the region.

No More Sex War

No More Sex War (Paperback)

by Neil Lyndon (Author)

In this study, the author attacks prejudice, arguing that feminism - the most
influential social ideology of our age - has fostered a perverted orthodoxy,
poisoning relations between men and women. Feminism, he argues, restrains change
and confirms gender stereotypes. Rather than being an emancipating force, sex
war is hopelessly outdated and against the interests of most men and women,
which the author argues are mostly identicial and always symmetrical. To advance
those interests and promote happiness, we need to shake off the shackles of
feminism and adopt new attitudes and policies towards sex, family and men.
Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination Against Men (Hardcover)

by Paul Nathanson (Author), Katherine K. Young (Author)
Lurid and sensationalized events such as the public response to Lorena
Bobbitt after she cut off her abusive husband's penis, prurient fascination
provoked by Anita Hill's allegations about Clarence Thomas, and the exploitation
of the mass murder of fourteen women in Montreal have been processed through
popular culture since the 1990s to produce pervasive misandry - contempt for
men, the counterpart of misogyny. Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young believe
that this reveals a shift in the United States and Canada to a worldview based
on ideological feminism, which presents all issues from the point of view of
women and, in the process, explicitly or implicitly attacks men as a class. They
argue that ideological feminism is silently reshaping law, pubic policy,
education, and journalism. "Legalizing Misandry" offers lively and compelling
evidence to demonstrate the pervasiveness of this new thinking - from the
courts, classrooms, government committees, and corporate bureaucracies to laws
and policies affecting employment, marriage, divorce, custody, sexual
harassment, violence, and human rights.

Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Science

Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Science (Paperback)

by Paul R. Gross (Author), Norman Levitt (Author)

Now in paperback -- the widely acclaimed response to the postmodernists
attacks on science.
First sentence:

Muddleheadedness has always been the sovereign force in human affairs-a force
far more potent than malevolence or nobility.

Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism

Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism (Paperback)
by Daphne Patai (Author)

Responds to what the author calls the "current epidemic" of sexual harassment
charges in higher education and the burgeoning "Sexual Harassment Industry."
Patai (Brazilian literature, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst) argues that the
current judicial, quasi-judicial, extra-legal, and administrative application of
sexual harassment law, especially as ma

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Feminists Say the Darndest Things

Feminists Say the Darndest Things: A Politically Incorrect Professor Confronts "Womyn" on Campus (Hardcover)

~ Mike Adams (Author)

I want to find out why they hate us. Unleashing salvos of sarcasm, he
collects his correspondence addressed to feminist students, professors,
activists and administrators, including some letters never mailed (probably for
the best). Claiming that feminist scholar is an oxymoron, Adams asserts that
feminists have no sense of humor, are the biggest censors on college campuses,
lack the courage to act as individuals, engage in widespread academic and
personal dishonesty and attempt to solve problems by changing society rather
than their own behavior. Ridiculing feminist-sponsored masturbation workshops,
he notes, Men are fully capable of masturbating without taking a seminar.... For
campus feminists, it's another excuse to seek funding from the university
administration. Adams's caustic survey of the feminist worldview is certain to
stir up controversy when his conservative radio promotional campaign gets
underway. (Feb. 14)

Feminist Hate Speech

"As long as some men use physical force to subjugate females, all men need
not. The knowledge that some men do suffices to threaten all women. He can
beat or kill the woman he claims to love; he can rape women...he can
sexually molest his daughters... THE VAST MAJORITY OF MEN IN THE WORLD DO

Marilyn French (her emphasis)

Family Court Hell

Family Court HELL (Paperback)

by Mark Harris (Author)


As a woman of nearly 40, I have had to live through the pain of never
seeing my father or ever knowing him because my parents divorced when I was a
baby. I was in tears reading Family Court Hell. The Children Act in 1989 was
intended to stop these blights on people's lives, but reading both Mark Harris
and his daughter Lisa's accounts of what happened to them proves the Act changed
nothing. If the mother wants rid of the father, these dreadful men and women who
work as judges seem to facilitate it. As always, only the lawyers gain from what
takes place, I think this book with the author's suggestions, should become a
vehicle to change the law.

To Jail a father for waving to his children while knowing that the mothers
boyfriend was abusing the children beggars belief. The more this case is made
public knowledge the quicker change for the good of all will arrive. So good to
read how the girls took on the courts and won!

A Feminist Version of 'Joe Millionaire'?,2933,120310,00.html

“My daughter will have to marry down,” stated a sociologist at the colloquium, meaning that her daughter would have to "settle" for a husband with less education and a lower income.

Death Rate Among Anorexia Nervosa Patients Exaggerated

A Mayo Clinic study that looked at mortality rates among patients with
anorexia nervosa over a period of 60 years concluded that people diagnosed with
the disorder die at the same rate as people who do not have the disorder. This
contradicts both previous clinical studies as well as many commonly cited claims
that the death rate for people with the disorder is extremely high.

UK Men may be banned from baring their chests in public

Men may be barred from baring their chests - and stomachs - in public under
new local laws being considered by town halls.

They would stop men stripping off their shirts in crowded town centres and give powers to police to remove any who defy the cover-up laws.

Women's bare-breasted equality

Toplessness - or 'topfreedom' as it is now called by its proponents, to rid
it of pornographic connotations - have been a feature of women's liberation
since the 1960s, when feminists rebelled against wearing bras and would go
half-clothed to women's festivals and other feminist events. But it is only
recently that some women have started to go publicly about their daily business
with nothing on above the waist.

What's the point of a tie?

Four years ago, a JobCentre worker in Manchester won the first round of a
sex discrimination case that it was unfair for men to have to wear a tie,
when women did not have a similar dress code.

Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren't Supposed to Know

Domestic Violence: The 12 Things You Aren't Supposed to Know (Paperback)

by Thomas B. James (Author)

Is domestic violence strictly a male phenomenon? Are all women who abuse
their partners acting in self-defense? Is domestic violence about male
privilege, power and control? In this book, the author conducts a meticulous and
thorough examination of the research on domestic violence, coming to the
unsettling conclusion that virtually everything we think we know about domestic
violence is wrong. Exposing evidence of a deliberate governmental campaign to
distort the truth and proliferate lies, he explains why honesty and candor are
our only real hope for bringing an end to this enormous social problem.

Date-rape drugs 'not widespread'

An Association of Chief Police Officers study has found many victims of
sexual assault may have just been very drunk.

A History of Sex With Students, Unchallenged

Many in this gray, insular city are at a loss to explain why Diane Cherchio
West was allowed to continue working in the public school system for two decades
after she was caught in 1980 kissing and groping a 13-year-old student at an
eighth-grade dance.

Others see a double standard in which people are reluctant to view teenage boys as victims.

Later, she said, she realized teenage boys can suffer emotional damage if they become sexually involved with an adult, especially an authority figure like a teacher.

Air NZ Airline Policy

At the end of November 2005, the media reported an incident in which a man
was told that he had to be moved from his seat in an aircraft because he was
sitting next to an unaccompanied child. Both Air New Zealand and Qantas have a
policy in which men cannot sit next to unaccompanied children for "safety"
reasons. The response was immediate and huge, with the vast majority
of concerned people damning the policy

About this blog.

This is not a conventional blog.

I am using it for my own purposes, which should become clearer over time.

I make no promises about what it's eventual form will be, except that it will be Pro-Men, and Anti-Feminist.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Paternity Fraud Uncovered After Half a Century

Mr Bowler’s mother was Henrietta Moraes – a muse to artists such as Lucian Freud and Francis Bacon during the 1950s and 1960s.

She had a fling with Tennant, who was to become the 3rd Baron Glenconner in 1983, after meeting him at a New Year’s Eve party in 1954.

At the time, Tennant was the 28-year-old heir to the baronetcy and Miss Moraes was 23, a voluptuous figure on London’s bohemian scene.

Unknown to Tennant, who would marry two years later, she became pregnant, going on to marry actor Norman Bowler two months before giving birth.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Women 'too busy' to go for cancer screenings

But where is shaming language, where are the insults, where are arguments that women are the weaker sex because they can't get themselves to the doctor?

When the media reports about men not going to the doctor it's more like this:

Medical services are only available during normal working hours, but this is only briefly mentioned.

The rest is 'men are too scared', 'men are too embarassed', 'men take risks', 'men should learn from women'.

From the comments:
"As I hit my 40s I requested a "well man" check from my GP. Duly arranged I
turned up and I was weighed and my blood pressure taken.
"Was that it?"
"Well, do you have any questions?"
No cholesterol checks, no lifestyle questionnaire, no liver function test, no testicle or prostate exam, nothing. I could have done it at home myself. A complete waste of time and
money. When I worked in Japan EVERY public sector worker had a full work up
every year - admittedly this was overkill - barium meals and x-rays - but
some half-way house is surely needed. "

"Frankly, if you're a male of working age, doctors also assume there can be
little wrong with you. I asked for a general check-up when I reached 40, and as
well getting a slightly frosty response, was asked "well, do YOU think there's
anything wrong?" It's not embarrassment, it's being made to feel you're wasting
the time of NHS staff."

When men do try to use the health service, when they try to look after themselves, they don't get help they get ignored, or belittled or told-off for not going to the doctor sooner.

Another example:
"women take better care of themselves"
""Men have a reputation for having a 'stiff upper lip' and not being as health conscious as women. "
"We know that around half of all cancers could be prevented by changes to lifestyle and it's worrying that this message could be falling on deaf ears for men."

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Who not to vote for: Harriet Harman

This is an easy one. I might add a few more links later on. If you know of other evidence please make a comment here.

Harriet Harman is enough evidence alone that all women shortlists should never have been allowed. She would never have been elected to parliment if the labour party had not used dirty tricks to get her elected.

She is a good example of why we should all ignore party politics in the future until there are parties that make it very clear they are anti-feminist.


Who not to vote for: an idea.

I have a suggestion for what to do next election.

We all know (I hope) that all the main parties are feminist, and hence anti-male. I cannot recommend any party of choice for the election this year.

So just abandon party politics and vote against any politician (Labour, Tory, Lib-Dem or other) who has demonstrated any feminist or misandric views or promoted any feminist or misandric policies. Add to that any woman selected using a women only short-list (either this time around or at any time in the past).

If enough people do that we could end up with a very strange parliament for the next term, but it could not be worse than what we have now.

I will be adding posts to advise you about 'Who not to vote for' later. If you have any suggestions about who should be on the list please make a comment here. But also please explain why, and wherever possible include references and web-links.

You can find a list of all UK MPs here.

I'm Back

I have been away for a while, but now I'm back.

My old blog (here) has been mothballed, and may be decommisioned.

There were no feminist hitmen involved in my disappearance, although some feminist skullduggery may have been involved , but only in a small way.

Watch this space :)